Sunday, March 23, 2014

Richmond, VA. March 23, 2014

I had only half a day to spend in Richmond, but think I fully utilized my time and discovered all interesting places of the city.

Hopefully you'll enjoy it with me and maybe visit that interesting city as I did.

Started from Monument Avenue. It already had cherry blossom which we will have maybe month later.

Old buildings along the historic street.

Here was a line of confederate defense

So many famous people I've never heard of before

I assume that is old town center. Beautiful churches all around.

 Get to the Monroe Park. There were a lot of homeless people waiting for food distribution, but I did not want to picture them.
 That theater building looks like a Persian palace.

In the capital park

View from Virginia's government building.
"Death to Tyrants" - I like that very much!
Capitol building
Financial part of town.
Parking near the main train station and farmers market. It looks like there are a lot of military bases around Richmond if even on Sunday morning they have some training.
Old entrance to the train station.

Building of the Main train station. You can see it every time you pass Richmond via route I-95.
That is I-95.

Inside of train station
Waiting rooms

Monument of reconciliation between Liverpool, Benin and Richmond. That is about slavery trade in 18th century.

Uptown. Pretty colorful place
Office building of my potential employer.

Fountain lake in Byrd park. I assume at summer it should be very beautiful.
There is also Swan Lake, but I did not get there.

That was a real surprise to see Columbus there

World War I Memorial.

It looks like nobody in Richmond knows about that tower. I've asked about it several people and nobody mentioned it.

At first I was surprised seeing a chimney in the park, but when I saw other ones I've got that they serve as grills for weekend parties.
Here is a winter party house also with chimney

Wanted to see the James river. Had to drive around, but found very nice way to the water.
There was wonderful view on Dry Rocks

  Old building of former electro-station

River goes between stones

That is only way I've found to cross the river. That piece of wood looked very stable, but I was almost in the water on the middle of it when it started moving.

Round hole in a stone
Broken dam of former electro-station

Can not understand how kayaks can stay in the stream and not moving
View on the river from the isle's hill
Climbing wall

James River

Under the bridge a walking path

Whole that time I was in the island
Under the brige

Looks like a concentration camp
Bikers can do their wild exercises. I wish I had that when I was a child.

Going back to civilization

On my way home spotted Virginia's War museum
US Soldier during Mexican war
Some military toys

The memorial wall

Rain has started. Had to drive back home.

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